Yo yo thanks for your time and letting us interview you. Please state your stage name and where you are from?
Sybyr aka Sy
I’m from PG County Maryland
That’s cool yo what’s it like out there? Every time Maryland pops in my head two things that red sauce y’all use on a specific food and that show called the wire haha. How long have you been doing music? What’s the scene like out there? What’s your fav anime? Who are your inspiration/influences?
It’s got swamp elements to the environment, so if you’re in the state it’s a lot of roads to traverse through. That red sauce you thinkin is probably mumbo sauce.
I’ve been doin music since 2008 & more rapping since late 2012
My fav anime I’d say maybe gantz
My influences range from Maroon 5 to Anita Baker, Lenny Kravitz, LL Cool J, Lex Luger, Southside, Lil Wayne
Sweet combo mixed fr! On the influences. Yeah your right it’s called mumbo sauce, Wow since 08 that’s a long time I remember that era of underground during that time Chris travis, SGP, Black Kray/Sickboirari the list goes on. I found out bout you like in 2017 Hellhorse, Netgeer, Anti-World was my shit fr you nailed those! Your newer ones is a vibe also. I heard that anime was good never had a chance to watch it, I be anime trances/binges sometimes I’d watch a anime then move onto another if it gets slow idk I’m weird like that haha. Do you see any potential in the scene out there? Who’s like the most important person of your career to where you are right now? How did you come up with such a ill ass name like that? Do you have any family support? What did they think at first?
How are the studio sessions like? Do you like to write first? Or record? Like do you record then take a break? What is the process like? Any new content coming soon that we can expect soon? If you can tour anybody who and why?
Yeah there’s potential in the scene, I keep going to the same elements tho, or hearing them. I’d say the most important person right now are those on my team, my manager. I came up with my name when I was tryna shift direction fr. Family wanted me to understand the scope of what I chose to do, once the first success came they leveled out.
For the studio sessions nowadays I record n go from there, there used to be a lot of struggle when writing, it would be spectator like. I record n take a break, come back when I’m on similar frame.
The new content soon will be singles, starting March 10, what I’m working on rn is fragmented. If I can tour with anybody I’d say maroon 5, cause I don’t hear any stories
That’s good hearing fr. Having support from in house is important, I respect that. Sometimes family at first doesn’t see the vision once they see views on music videos/plays they start believing which is good. Ok so brainstorm type beat then boom get inspired record I see you man. Writing/recording can be a hassle sometimes, I love that feeling where you lock in and zone out write/record like hella songs great feeling afterwards.
March 10th let’s go! Take much time keep experimenting it’s lotta fun, Maroon 5? Damn that’s a different one haha I fuck with them. Do you have fun while creating? What music genre is the most therapeutic to you? Have you ever went into the forest somewhere write music and tap in with nature? Where do you see yourself in the future in a few years? Who does all of your cover art/music videos? Super dope. What’s your thought on tattoos? Do you have any?
I try to have fun while creating, it is about the process after all. The genre that is the most therapeutic would have to be contemporary. I haven’t gone that far to just go in the forest but some people that works for them. As long as there’s outside time during the day. I see myself delivering something great once in a year in due time, the rest will be leading up to it. Various creatives help out with the visual direction & music videos. Tattoos can be fun, I just think of the bigger picture when it comes to inking certain places. I don’t currently have any, they wore off.
Yes indeed you gotta it’s important, everything in due time I believe in that highly as well. Your visuals are sick! I hear ya on that. Just creating overall is a whole vibe like super therapeutic, well since we almost wrapping this up is there any special shout outs you’d like to make and such?
Shoutout the gang. Everybody that’s listening. My team.
We really appreciate having you on here this is a legendary interview ! Much love gang