SAPPHIRE has a new record for us and it did not disappoint! Soon as these chugs started during the intro on the 1st song, I knew we were in for a treat. This instrumental intro is hard hitting and establishes a sense of culture because this is a downtempo beatdown hardcore type track. What a way to set the mood I wasn’t expecting that. Next we have Problem Child, Dog, And All Christians Are Retarded, picking up that pace early on. These 3 compliment the into instrumental with a more electronic, trap metal, punk rap, and screamo vibe complete with passion and high energy vocal performances. PSYCHO is a stand out track that really changed the scene on this record and shows us the artist’s versatility. In addition, a spooky gothic pop ballad lets us catch our breath for the next moshpit. Goin Up // Goin In is another stand out track that plays between the madness. This time is an Emo Trap Banger! SAPPHIRE does it all! No cap! “Steal This Song”. The most punk name for an even more punk, punk song. This track is fast, raw, and in your face. This record is phenomenal! And finally, cleverly throwing his features at the end of the record, so we won’t miss any of it, SAPPHIRE wraps things up with a legendary cut featuring Big Melancholy and Numb$kull. This is a dark trap, shadow rap banger that will get stuck in your head and make you remember this unique experience. This record was amazing. It has everything from pop, to punk, to f*ckin metal. I give it a solid 9/10 just because I would have liked to hear a more polished mx and more features.. BLACKTAR by SAPPHIRE out now on all music streaming platforms! You gotta check it out!