Aye! Finally, someone made a Trap Metal ballad for the Skaters! Xen0christ’s new single SK8ORD!E is a catchy heavy hitter for the skateboard enthusiasts with a bit of rage in them. I love how the intro comes in kinda chopped and screwed as if Xenochrist is pulling up with an army behind him. The beat quickly reverting back to normal as we get plunged into the thick of things. The beat is metal, eerie, and slightly futuristic. I like how the bass warps and bounces around chaotically while staying on point. And Xen0christ topped it all off with his perfect vocal execution. The track is only 2 minutes long but because of the high energy and genius song structure, it satisfies like a full 4-minute production. Time is truly an illusion. This track is sick. I give it a solid rating of 10/10. I love how every track that Xen0 drops has a completely new vibe from anything he dropped before. A great addition to any Trap Metal or Scream Rap playlist. SK8ORD!E by Xen0christ, out now on all streaming platforms!
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December 30, 2024