Aye! Finally, someone made a Trap Metal ballad for the Skaters! Xen0christ’s new single SK8ORD!E is a...
Month: January 2024
Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed by Trap Metal Arsenal. 1. What are the...
Thanks for taking some time to be interviewed by Trap Metal Arsenal. Let’s get down to...

TMA INTERVIEW WITH PYRXCITER -STUPIDFLEXAN SF – Yo appreciate taking the time letting us interview. State your...
Welcome to the head bopping world of Bone Crew, the powerhouse Trap Metal venture led by Attila’s...
This new single from @oldsoulartist is so tastefully written, I love it. For fans of pure Trap Metal...

SF – Yo thanks letting us interview you. what’s your name and where are you from? KN...