SF – yo yo thanks for letting us interview you legend. state your stage name and location?
BMG – The name is BRUHMANEGOD and I am a stardust light being from the planet earth 37.8199° N, 122.4783° W
SF – Sick way of intruducing yourself love it! What made your come up with your name and why? What are your dreams in life? Your inspirations/influneces? Were you in any bands before doing trap metal? Because your vocals are built. You’re a Metal Vocalist veteran fr and who’s a big part of your career right now?
BMG – My name is a convolution of my religious and social / cultural beliefs and they way they coincide and contradict.
My only dream is to experience as much fulfillment as possible in the the short time I’m afforded.
My inspiration and influence stems from everything I see, feel, hear, touch, and taste. In a musical sense, I apply anything that tickles my brain towards something that otherwise would not have existed unless I had done it.
I don’t do trap metal, never have and probably never will.
I’ve practiced harsh vocal techniques throughout my entire teen & adolescent life.
I would consider anyone who is a supporter of what I create to be a big part of my career.
SF – Ooooh ok that’s deep and artistic ask love it! What do you mean by the short time your afforded? That’s a new one, most deff you heard the man consider anyone who’s a supporter to support is a big part of his career. Badass! Go wild and run with that stuff fr! Favorite artist working with of all time? If you can tour with a band raise hell with who would it be and why? What’s your rituals before creating? Do you record and take a break and continue the next day? How’s the writing process like?
BMG – What I mean is a body does not live forever. Your time to create & develop your character is limited and the possibilities are nearly infinite.
My favorite artist to collaborate with has always been and will continue to be James Gorczyca in the coming years. I give him most of the credit for the sound I’ve been able to achieve and call my own today.
If I had to choose, I’d like to tour with I Set My Friends On Fire, which is likely to happen eventually seeing as we’ve spoken about collaborating on music & events. In terms of a more out of reach group, probably System of a Down.
When I make music, I contemplate and internalize everything I’ve felt and experienced most recent to that moment, and I write for however long it takes until I have a solid idea that I’m satisfied with.
SF – Your right about that man, never heard that before. Hell yeah shouts out to him! I love that band btw was just hearing their “you can’t spell slaughter without laugher” album which is top tier. I see it happening soon, SOAD is legendary also! That’s a fire way to put it as with life experiences and such most defff let it all out. What’s up your sleeve with the new stuff coming? Projects and visuals? What year did you start taking music more serious? Where do you see yourself as a artist within the year 2030? Favorite band of all time? Favorite metalcore or deathcore album?
BMG – I will continue dropping singles all year, in terms of projects I have one in the works in conjunction with @xtremetrap, as well as a secret album that will come out whenever I decide it’s done.
I’ve always known music was my passion since I was old enough to speak in clear sentences. I started learning at 12-13 and began making my own full songs at 14. I started taking it seriously as a life path at age 16.
In 2030, all I hope is that I’m still as driven and creative as I am now.
My favorite band of all time is System of a Down, they are possibly the most groundbreaking metal act of all time.
My favorite deathcore album is definitely Lugal Ki En by Rings of Saturn, it’s an undeniable classic.
SF – Single droppings are always important word up. Can’t wait for that album to drop I LOVE XT wholesome community fr I’m part of the collective as well we’re doing a collaboration soon I plan on bringing the xtreme trap artists on this platform and expand all horizons of it it’ll be great for both platforms to unite and continue to grow and evolve. Shouts out Dirtybutt thats the homie fr. Take much time needed I respect the artistry. Wow since a teen that’s rad, you will just keep doing what you do best and inspire. SOAD will always be Goated band and great album by them rings of Saturn incredibly good I remember that band/album. Any more songs with darkie coming soon that’s in the vault? Who’s behind your cover art, brand? super gnarly blends well with you
Do you have tattoos? Favorite tattoo? Any stories or meanings behind them? When did you get your first tattoo?
BMG – Darkie and I have one experimental melodic song sitting around currently. No plans to release but I’m sure it will eventually see the light of day. We work best in person and plan to make more as we usually do next time we link.
My cover art as of this year, and my brand “Cult International”, is all curated by me directly.
I have two tattoos, the one I care to mention is the tattoo on my forearm that says “arm”. Dementia runs in my family so it’s a little joke about that.
SF – Yeah totally understand that, in due time it’ll release or so. Speaking of that brand super hard fr that’s sick your behind all of your cover art/brand. Wow 2 tattoos and one that says Dementia yeah that’s a insider fasho haha. We’re excited for your upcoming singles/albums that are in process. Before we wrap this interview up any special shouts you’d like to say and stuff? Any exciting news that the supporters need to hear?
BMG – Shoutout MFNF @make.family.not.friends & XT @xtremtrap leaders of the underground renaissance.
Every day is a new day and that should be exciting enough. I’ll always be here until I’m not. I would describe it as serene.
SF – Love it yes shouts to gang! Yes Much love appreciate your time and your positive message. Thanks Beamy later rager
Take care keep dropping bangers
BMG – Love